Growth is expected at the Newton Aycliffe office. Credit: via MHW PR

EOS rebrands as Remagin

The County Durham firm, part of global building materials group Etex, joins with Leeds-based Sigmat and Irish operation Horizon in the new identity.

Etex intends for the combined UK and Ireland business to double turnover and headcount by 2030.

EOS, based in Newton Aycliffe, is a £15m business currently employing around 70 people.

Established in 2006, the company designs, manufactures and markets light gauge steel frame products for the construction industry, primarily steel frame systems for external facades and full load bearing structures.

These products are typically used in housing, apartments, student accommodation, hotels and public buildings.

Etex Group’s rebrand is focussed on offsite construction, with the group aiming to  leverage its existing offsite operators to create a comprehensive, full-service business to meet customer demand and drive performance.

The Remagin brand brings together the collective capabilities of three existing businesses: EOS, Leeds-based Sigmat and Horizon, which operates from Ireland.

Etex said that by combining the design and engineering expertise, testing and certification capacity of the three firms, along with their manufacturing and installation know-how, the new brand will offer industry leading, lightweight, factory-assembled panels and associated services, all based on sustainable, light gauge steel framing.

Remagin’s integrated building systems offer an end-to-end project solution, and means the company is well placed to accelerate the scale and impact of offsite construction.

Scott Bibby, country manager Ireland and UK, said: “This is an exciting time in the development of not just our own business but the wider offsite construction sector.

“Due to the flexibility and proven benefits of panelised building systems, things are really taking off and by combining our joint strengths we are confident we can accelerate and maximise sector growth.

“Remagin is building on the solid foundations established by Sigmat, EOS and Horizon and is backed by Etex Group with its significant R&D and testing capacity and materials expertise. We’re in a significant position to add significant life-cycle value and sustainability benefits to our customers.”

Etex was founded in Brussels in 1905 and is still headquartered in the Belgian capital. The group has 160 sites operating in 45 countries, and in 2022 reported revenues of €3.7bn.

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