Neil Tague and Louise Hall of Place North share their insight into how the property market is doing in the North East and Yorkshire. Credit: PNW


PODCAST | A snapshot of the Northern property scene

From Sheffield to Teesside, Place North’s Neil Tague and Louise Hall discuss the big projects and the big names dominating headlines in Yorkshire and the North East in this podcast episode.

Tague is a Place North reporter and writes for Place North East and Place Yorkshire, while Teesside-native Hall is Place North’s business development manager in the Yorkshire and North East. Both are clued into the region’s property scene – which is why this podcast is a must-listen.

You’ll hear their thoughts on the North’s transportation woes and the grade they’d give West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin. Also on the docket: the blockers inhibiting Northern growth and how Place North can help amplify the region’s voice.

You can learn more about Place North’s services by downloading our Place Yorkshire media pack and our Place North East media pack.

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You can listen to the podcast using the embed at the top of this page, or by going to Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Be sure to subscribe to our channel too, so you never miss an episode.

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