The seaside town of Roker is 1.5m from the city centre and Sheepfolds area. Credit: via Creo Comms

Sunderland to consider seafront funding

The city is turning its attention to the seaside towns of Roker and Seaburn, with plans to extend the Business Improvement District being discussed at the city council’s cabinet meeting on Thursday.

Funding for a new Seaside BID would work hand-in-hand with the existing Sunderland BID, which is now in its third term and covers the city centre out to Sheepfolds.

The aim would be to better connect the coastline with the city centre and to encourage economic growth through tourism.

Specific plans include the restoration of Roker pier and lighthouse.

Sunderland BID – which is leading the development of proposals for a Seafront BID – has now formally proposed that a ballot of businesses is undertaken in accordance with the Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations in May 2025.

For that to progress, the council’s cabinet will need to agree to provide an annual grant to the BID, funded from the rental income of seafront businesses.

This will be added to income from a business levy, paid by businesses occupying premises within the area.

Cllr Kevin Johnston, cabinet member for housing, regeneration and business at Sunderland City Council, said: “The development of a Seafront BID… is a natural step forward in our effort to join up our tourism offer and maximise the opportunities presented by the transformational regeneration we are leading across Sunderland.”

Sharon Appleby, chief executive of Sunderland BID, said: “Sunderland is blessed with a phenomenal coastline, that – along with our transforming city centre – is increasingly attractive for people looking for a day out or short stay.

“The change seen at Roker and Seaburn over the past few years is remarkable, and with the city centre on the same trajectory, and the Sheepfolds area now changing too, it is time for joined up thinking.”

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