Persimmon faces Middlesbrough rejection
Planning officers recommend refusal for 69 homes at Nunthorpe Grange, questioning pedestrian and cycle connectivity. Elsewhere, 130 homes at Hemlington Grange look set fair.
York-headquartered Persimmon, which recently hit headlines with a sharp drop in profits, wants to develop a plot within the wider Nunthorpe Grange housing area.
Persimmon has filed plans for dwellings with associated access, landscaping and infrastructure on a site north-west of the Al1043 Nunthorpe Bypass.
Following consultation, objections were received from 33 properties, the Community Council, Nunthorpe Parish Council and Middlesbrough Council ward councillors.
On its side, Persimmon has the fact that the site is allocated for housing within the Local Plan. As such, officers note that the principle of development is not in question, adding that the proposed development would provide a good mix of housing types with good materials, attractive landscaping and appropriate layout, all sympathetic to the local area and not being overly impactful on existing local residents.
However, said officers: “It is considered that the development of this site in isolation does not give priority first to pedestrian and cycle movements. It fails to provide a suitable, safe and attractive pedestrian and cycle link to existing residentials estates and infrastructure.
“The proposed link is long, convoluted, lacks natural surveillance and is considered to be unsafe. It does not promote and provide an attractive sustainable travel option for residents as an alternative to private car journeys.”
Another project within a wider allocation is council vehicle MBC Regeneration’s quest to secure consent for 130-150 homes at Hemlington Grange South, part of the larger Hemlingon Grange allocation, a key strategic housing area for the borough.
Located towards the southern fringe of Middlesbrough, the Hemlington Grange South site is bounded by the wider Hemlington Grange housing allocation to the north, the B1365 to the east, open farmland to the south and a wooded copse to the west. There are no buildings on site.
Persimmon’s application can be viewed at 20/0658/FUL on Middlesbrough’s planning portal. The Hemlington scheme can be seen at 23/0390/OUT. The committee meets on 11 April.