Decision finally close on 500 North Tyneside homes
Bellway and Banks are looking to develop the land at Killingworth Moor, part of a wider strategic allocation of 2,000 homes and 42 acres of employment space.
North Tyneside Council’s planning committee will next week decide on the full planning application submitted by Bellway Homes North East and Banks Property Group for Killingworth Moor phase one (south).
The site is bound to the north by the B1317 and agricultural fields, including a hedgerow. The site wraps around the Stephenson Park housing estate, and is not classed as Green Belt.
With Pegasus Group and Pod advising, the application seeks full planning consent for the construction of 539 dwellings and associated infrastructure, open space, landscaping, creation of new access to the Forest Gate/Great Lime Road junction, and creation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS). The proposal will require the diversion of public rights of way.
The housing breakdown is
- 78 two-bedroom homes including terraces, semi-detached and bungalows
- 190 three-bedroom homes, including semi-detached and detached homes
- 237 four-bedroom homes, all detached
- 34 five-bedroom homes, all detached
Officers recommend approval, noting that “the delivery of 539 residential dwellings will make a valuable contribution towards the borough achieving a five-year housing land supply and to meeting the annual housing delivery requirement over the plan period”.
The project has been in the works for some time, having been initially submitted in 2020, and the overall volume of homes has come down by around 30 to the number now requested.
A wide range of contributions are to be requested in the Section 106 agreement, the largest being more than £900,000 towards primary education.
The plans can be viewed on North Tyneside’s planning portal with the reference 20/01435/FULES.