Barrett has now taken up the role. Credit; via Bradley O'Mahoney

Change at the top for CAN

Lobby group Construction Alliance North East has confirmed Tim Barrett as its new chair, taking on the role from Ken Parkin.

A member of the Federation of Master Builders and former trustee of the Chartered Institute of Building, Barrett has now taken over from Parkin, who had been chair since 2020.

CAN represents regional SME contractors and comprises of Northern Counties Builders Federation, Civil Engineering Contractors Association, Federation of Master Builders and the National Federation of Builders.

It calls upon a network of 500 North East businesses, with its primary role being to lobby both the government and local authorities for fairer procurement practices.

CAN’s mission is defined around three pillars: a ‘levelling up’ in procurement processes to allow regional companies to deliver more local projects, harmonisation of payment terms up and down the supply chain, and ensuring a sustainable North East industry by continuing to develop a directly employed workforce.

Members work collaboratively with each other and external organisations for the sole benefit of the North East region’s contractors.

Barrett works for TJB Woulfe and previously spent 16 years with Northumberland firm Datim Building Contractors.

He said: “I am very much aware I am taking on the role of chair of Construction Alliance North East during a year that will see fundamental structural change regionally, with the creation of the enlarged, all-in, North East Combined Authority with increased, devolved, powers and nationally, with a general election looming and the prospect of a change of Government.

“We will monitor very closely developments as they take place and will pursue a range of initiatives, including meaningful dialogue with the region’s current MPs and those candidates for regional Mayor and in the General Election. Our primary objective being to ensure all national and regional stakeholders recognise the North East’s construction sector is both a huge asset and critically important to the region and its ambition for future growth.

He continued: “I would very much like to take this opportunity to thank Ken Parkin for his astute leadership of CAN. During his term as chair, he has ensured we punch well above our weight, are listened to in the corridors of power and that we have achieved a range of highly successful outcomes when it comes to the three areas where we look to achieve maximum impact.

“In 2024, our focus will be on high impact events, one of which is a proposed summit with key strategic figures within local authorities, via our partners at North East Procurement Organisation, to identify and tackle the barriers in public sector procurement for regional contractors. We are also working with the Northern Housing Consortium, Durham County Council and Newcastle City Council on other high-profile events.”

Parkin, director of Opion, said: “It has been a huge pleasure to serve as chair of CAN and to wave the flag for the region’s excellent contractors. Their voice needs to be heard at the highest level and in the right places, both inside and outside the industry, as it is often only large contractors and consultants who have the clout to make a difference and influence policy.

“To a great extent, we have done this, however, there is still work to do and I am delighted that Tim is taking over as, with his depth of experience with regional contractors and knowledge of the industry, he is extremely well placed to carry on leading the fight.”

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